E-Bulletin 01/24/2023
FEBRUARY 24, 2023
- MESSAGE FOR SERMON: Sunday, February 26, 2023, is Beauty of the Broken: Scripture: Joel 2: 1-2, 12-17.
- COFFEE WITH THE PASTOR: Pastor Cyd is at the Church to share a cup of coffee and conversation with anyone who wishes to join her on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. Further, remember that Pastor Cyd welcomes your phone calls anytime, whether to make an appointment or discuss other business. Contact Pastor Cyd by phone at (517) 617-7382 or by her new email (pastorcyd@hartunitedmethodist.org).
- LENT BEGINS: During Lent, every Wednesday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in the Church library, Pastor Cyd would like to invite you to join her to view a weekly video by Max Lacota called, He Chose the Nails. The video will be followed with a discussion and prayer.
- UWF SPRING FLING 2023, SPARTA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 2023: Join us for a wonderful day of fellowship and discovery as we hear about The Migratory Farm Family: Facts and Myths. Together we will learn about the variations of lifestyles of migratory farm workers in Michigan, including the social and economic impact on West Michigan. During our keynote session, our speakers will share facts and dispel myths and stereotypes. We will also discuss the needs of the migrant workers, partnering agencies that support Migrant families in West Michigan and how to support Farmworkers in West Michigan. Enjoy devotions, a morning keynote session, tasty lunch and afternoon break-out sessions. Cost is $15. Contact Registrar Sue VanPortvliet at (616) 551-9563 or suzeeeque@gmail.com by March 11th. (Penny B. has registration forms). INGATHERING: Travel-size personal care items for Migrant Farmworker families. Event is sponsored by the Midwest District United Women in Faith Team.
- REPLACING ROOF UNITS: Our Fellowship Hall rooftop heating and air conditioning units, along with some of its exposed ductwork had become problematic and contributing to water damage to our ceiling tile. After considering various options, our Governance Board decided to remove the existing units and rework the air duct so it is not exposed to the elements (rain & snow). We have contracted Adams Heating & Coolings who, along with Janet’s Roofing, will do the needed work for about $35,000. Fortunately, we have built up our general fund reserves to an amount that allows us to go forward with this proposal. However, in doing so, we will be using all of our Building/Improvement fund and we need to replenish it for ongoing-improvements.
- CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: We need to raise a minimum of $10,000 over and above our present pledges to meet the financial needs of our Building/Improvement fund and help pay for the Roof Units project. We ask those of our congregants that are financially able to consider pledging/contributing to this Capital Campaign. You can do so by either sending a note along with your periodic donation as to the additional amount that you are pledging to pay this year or by including a special donation to our Capital Campaign. Please prayerfully consider this request.
- YOUTUBE: Pastor Cyd’s sermons are available on YouTube. If you have YouTube access, just search Hart United Methodist Church and Pastor Cyd’s sermon comes up without the rest of the service, though last Sunday’s YouTube included Gayle Forner’s guitar rendition of her sermon. Worth watching if you missed it!
- MISSING STONE: A stone was found on the Church office floor this week. It may be from someone’s ring or earring. If you have lost a stone please call (873-3516) or visit the Church office for help.
- GREAT NEWS!! Thea has switched Pastor Cyd, (pastorcyd@hartunitedmethodist.org), Fauna, (fauna@hartunitedmethodist.org) and the Church office (office@hartunitedmethodist.org) with new email addresses that are easy to remember. Thea has also created a new Hart United Methodist Church website. For those of you who join us online the donation page is working. There is also an on-line form to add and update the directory. The Facebook page has also been updated. Please check out the new website and Facebook, like it, share it and add in prayer requests.
- SCRIPTURE READERS: Leave word with Maureen Huizing (873-0418), the Church office (873-3516) or with Pastor Cyd (517) 617-7382 if you would be willing to be our Scripture reader on one of the future Sundays. Gayle Forner is scheduled for this Sunday, with Chris Jensen on March 5 and Maureen Huizing on March 12.
- CONGREGATIONAL CARE: We need volunteers to help provide food for our Church families in times of need or if you know of anyone who is in need of food. If you can help, please add your name and contact information to the Congregational Care Volunteer list in the McRae Fellowship Hall or leave your name with our Church office (873-3516). Contact Judy Kuipers (873-5879) or (231) 301-1674 if you have any questions.
- HART UMC DIRECTORY COLLECTION FORMS: These forms have been put in your mailboxes and for those of you that do not have a mailbox, there are forms on the Welcome Center. Please fill out your information and drop off at the Church office or in the office secretary’s mailbox. You can also go to our new website and fill out an on-line form to add and update the directory. Your help in filling these forms out is greatly appreciated and will help us to update our office and contact information. Thank you!
- OFFICE HOURS: The Church office will be opened Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Pastor Cyd will be at the Church office on Mondays and Fauna will be at the Church office Tuesday through Friday.
Hart United Methodist Church
308 S. State St.
Hart, MI 49420
(231) 873-3516
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