E-Bulletin 08/24/23
- MESSAGE FOR SERVICE: Sunday, August 27, 2023, is Dirty Trick? Scripture: Genesis 44:1-5
- OFFICE CLOSING EARLY: Today at 1:30 P.M. the Church Office will be closing early. If you need anything before that please reach out to Fauna at (231-873-3516).
- UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH: Will meet on Monday, August 28 at 2:00 P.M. to finalize plans for the District Meeting. All women are invited and encouraged to attend. Registration forms will be available. As hosts for the District meeting, we will need greeters, ushers, and kitchen help.
- SIGN-UP SHEETS: There are two sign-up sheets starting August 13th for The Freedom & Healing Seminar for breakfast and lunch and the 2023 District Annual Meeting Brunch. It would be greatly appreciated if volunteers would sign-up to bring food/drinks.
- FESSENDEN HOUSE MEALS: In need of individuals who would be willing to make/bring meals to the Fessenden House. Mealtimes are Breakfast at 8:00 A.M. Lunch at 12:00 P.M. and Dinner at 5:00 P.M. with a snack such as dessert served later in the evening. The meals are made to serve 12 people plus 1 or 2 staff members. Meals are brought in about 15 minutes ahead of the mealtimes.
There is a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall. Please contact Helen Pische if you have any questions at (231-873-7192).
- MIDWEST DISTRICT UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH: Will be hosting the District Annual Celebration Brunch on Saturday, September 16th for 9:30 A.M.-1:00 P.M. Registration forms have been placed at the Welcome Center and in the Church Office. The cost is $15.00. Please register by September 9th. If volunteers are helping in the kitchen, you will not have to pay the fee. INGATHERING: We are collecting items for the Bread of Life Food Pantry in Hart as follows: The pantry is in need of small servings of kid-friendly food: 16oz. cans of pasta (SpaghettiOs, Ravioli), 1-pound boxes of elbow macaroni, small jars of peanut butter and small boxes of instant potatoes.
- COFFEE WITH THE PASTOR: Is on Tuesday at 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Pastor Cyd welcomes your phone calls anytime, whether to make an appointment or discuss other business. Contact Pastor Cyd by phone at (517-617-7382), the Church Office (873-3516) or by her email at cydinga@gmail.com.
- SCRIPTURE READERS: Leave word with Maureen Huizing (873-0418), the Church office (873-3516) or with Pastor Cyd (517- 617-7382) if you would be willing to be our Scripture reader on one of the future Sundays. Walter Urick will be reading on Sunday, August 27th with Fauna Symons reading on September 3rd and Maureen Huizing reading on September 10th.
- CONGREGATIONAL CARE: We need volunteers to help provide food for our Church families in times of need, please add your name and contact information to the Congregational Care Volunteer list in the McRae Fellowship Hall or leave your name with our Church office (873-3516) or contact Judy Kuipers at the numbers listed below. If you know of a Church Friend or Church Family that is in need, please contact Judy Kuipers (873-5879) or (231-301-1674) or the Church Office at the number listed above.
- OFFICE HOURS: Fauna will be in the Church Office Monday through Thursday from 10:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. and Pastor Cyd will be in the Church Office on Friday from 10:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M.
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