E-Bulletin 07/13/23
- MESSAGE FOR SERVICE: Sunday, July 16, 2023, is I Don’t Do What I Wish I Would But What I Wish I Wouldn’t. Scripture: Romans 7: 15-25.
- CHURCH OFFICE: Monday, July 17, the Church Office will be closed. Fauna will be out of the office the week of July 17th.
- AD-BOARD: There will be no Ad-Board Meeting for the month of July.
- AMBER ELK RANCH: Three people went to the Amber Elk Ranch on Friday, July 7th. They all have a really nice time.
- TUESDAY’S FRIEND’S: Meets on the second Tuesday of every month. In August, Tuesday’s Friend’s will be meeting at 5:00 P.M.
- STAIRCASE YOUTH SERVICES: Sara Rudat from Staircase Youth Services has been borrowing the Church Van on Wednesdays to transport her youth group to their destinations. The youth sent in a very nice thank you card to the Hart UMC. If you would like to read the card it has been placed on the bulletin board in the McRay Fellowship Hall.
- NEWSLETTER: The Hearts United quarterly newsletter will be coming out in July. This is your newsletter, so please email me (fauna@hartunitedmethodist.org) or submit anything that you would like to see in your newsletter. Ideas and/or suggestions are always welcome!
- COFFEE WITH THE PASTOR: Is on Tuesday at 11:00 A.M. to 12:00. Pastor Cyd welcomes your phone calls anytime, whether to make an appointment or discuss other business. Contact Pastor Cyd by phone at 231-721-1842 or by her email (cydinga@gmail.com).
- SCRIPTURE READERS: Leave word with Maureen Huizing (873-0418), the Church office (873-3516) or with Pastor Cyd (517) 617-7382 if you would be willing to be our Scripture reader on one of the future Sundays. Chris Jensen is scheduled for this Sunday, July 16th with Walt Urick reading on Sunday, July 23rd and Joe Leonardo reading on Sunday, July 30th.
- CONGREGATIONAL CARE: We need volunteers to help provide food for our Church families in times of need, please add your name and contact information to the Congregational Care Volunteer list in the McRae Fellowship Hall or leave your name with our Church office (873-3516) or contact Judy Kuipers at the numbers listed below. If you know of a Church Friend or Church Family that is in need, please contact Judy Kuipers (873-5879) or (231-301-1674) or the Church Office at the number listed above.
- OFFICE HOURS: Fauna will be in the Church Office Monday through Thursday from 10:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. and Pastor Cyd will be in the Church Office on Friday from 10:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M.
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