E-Bulletin 05/05/23
- MESSAGE FOR SERMON: Sunday, May 7, 2023, is Rock & Refuge Scripture: Psalms 31: 1-5.
- TUESDAY’S FRIENDS: Will meet on May 9th at 1:30 P.M. in the Fellowship Hall. Call Bev Wood (873-4649) if she can plan on you.
- UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH: The Celebration of Women Teatime was a lovely event. 26 women joined together to enjoy excellent appetizers and desserts along with tea. Songs were sung and stories were shared.
- COMMUNION STEWARD: If anyone is interested in helping with Communion, please see Kay Dion (231-747-3537). Communion is always the 1st Sunday of the month.
- PASTOR CYD’S NEW CELL NUMBER: You can now reach Pastor Cyd at her new cell number at 231-721-1842.
- THE UPPER ROOM: The new May-June 2023 daily devotional guides have been placed throughout the Church.
- COFFEE WITH THE PASTOR: Pastor Cyd will be switching coffee time from Tuesdays to now Mondays from 11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Pastor Cyd welcomes your phone calls anytime, whether to make an appointment or discuss other business. Contact Pastor Cyd by phone at 231-721-1842 or by her new email (pastorcyd@hartunitedmethodist.org).
- FORK LIFTERS:. Please look for upcoming information on the next Fork Lifters outing.
- SCRIPTURE READERS: Leave word with Maureen Huizing (873-0418), the Church office (873-3516) or with Pastor Cyd (517) 617-7382 if you would be willing to be our Scripture reader on one of the future Sundays. Nancy Sterk is scheduled for this Sunday, May 7th with Helen Sterk reading on May 14th and Chris Jensen reading on May 21st.
- CONGREGATIONAL CARE: We need volunteers to help provide food for our Church families in times of need or if you know of anyone who is in need of food. If you can help, please add your name and contact information to the Congregational Care Volunteer list in the McRae Fellowship Hall or leave your name with our Church office (873-3516). Contact Judy Kuipers (873-5879) or (231) 301-1674 if you have any questions.
- OFFICE HOURS: Pastor Cyd will be The Church office will be opened Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. at the Church office on Mondays and Fauna will be at the Church office Tuesday through Friday.
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